The beginnings of Remy Uno go back to the end of the 90s with graffiti, like a game. A few vacant lots, railway tracks, the disposable camera and audio cassette era. In 2002, he participated in the creation of Lartmada, a collective with which he was invited to paint and exhibit in several places around the world (Sao Paulo, New York, Caracas, Moscow, London, Johannesburg, Mexico, Yaoundé...) .


After several years of commissioned work with Lartmada, he went to Berlin for a few years to develop a more personal expression of his painting. Interested in the image as a relationship between two realities, that of the painter and his model, he looks at the intimate and his silent actions, those which allow us to identify ourselves without compromising ourselves. He fragments his compositions, repeats them, puts them back together to obtain different accounts of the same story. His narrations are simple and literary, recounting as many unimportant moments as behind the scenes.

Today in Marseille, Remy Uno works daily between the very relative comfort of his workshops for his paintings and installations, and the randomness of the walls that he is led to paint, alone or with his collective Lartmada, a little here and a little elsewhere.